Since it was first published, LIS students and professionals everywhere have relied on Miller's authoritative manual for clear instruction on the real-world practice of metadata design and creation…
Essential Classification leads the novice classifier step by step through the basics of subject cataloguing, with an emphasis on practical document analysis and classification. It deals with fundam…
This practical guide will be essential reading for all those needing to come up to speed quickly on XML and how it is used by libraries today. XML and its ancillary technologies XSD, XSLT and …
A newly revised edition of the 2011 Society of American Archivists' Waldo Gifford Leland Award winner. This new and extensively revised second edition offers an international perspective on arc…
This essential new textbook provides cataloguers with the skills needed for transition to Resource Description and Access (RDA). The book builds on John Bowman’s highly regarded Essential C…
This concise guide to cataloging with RDA: Resource Description and Access specifically hones in on the needs of those seeking a simplified path to creating basic RDA records. First describing foun…
Designed to interpret and explain RDA: Resource Description and Access, this handbook illustrates and applies the new cataloguing rules in the MARC21 environment for every type of information forma…
A new edition of this best-selling textbook reintroduces the topic of library cataloging from a fresh, modern perspective. • Delineates the new cataloging landscape • Shares a principles-base…
Fundamentals of the cataloging process -- Classification of library materials -- Cataloging library materials