As Information Management put it, "On the strength of its currency and coverage alone, Franks' book is poised to take over as the recommended go-to reference for both students and RIM professionals…
This book builds a research-grounded, theoretical foundation for evidence based library and information practice and illustrates how librarians can incorporate the principles to make more informed …
Much has happened since the last edition of this benchmark text was published. Today’s LIS professionals are experiencing both excitement and trepidation as sweeping societal, technological, poli…
The UK’s copyright legislation has been referred to as the longest, most confusing and hardest to navigate in the world. This new handbook brings clarity to what would otherwise be a complex topi…
Reflecting the rapidly changing information services environment, the third edition of this bestselling title offers updates and a broader scope to make it an even more comprehensive introduction t…
Fundamentals of the cataloging process -- Classification of library materials -- Cataloging library materials
Library Technology Reports, January 2018 (54:1) As the world of information access has pivoted from physical goods to digital screens, the ways that libraries measure themselves have changed. Fo…
A recent study showed that only 53 percent of projects come in on budget and only 49 percent on schedule. So what does it take to be an on-budget, on-time finisher? Successful project management ma…
Over the past fifteen years, librarians have increasingly looked to theory as a means to destabilize normative discourses and practices within LIS, to engage in inclusive and non-authoritarian peda…
The third edition of Preserving Digital Materials provides a survey of the digital preservation landscape. This book is structured around four questions: 1. Why do we preserve digital materials…
Staying on top of professional trends in academic library research can help turn any librarian into an expert researcher. This practitioner's guide arms librarians with the knowledge and skills nee…
This book will inform and inspire librarians, archivists, curators and technologists to make better use of data to help inform decision-making, the development of new services and the improvement…
Presenting financial management principles and best practices applicable to both public and academic libraries, this comprehensive text elucidates a broad array of issues crucial for those entering…
This book shows how to act on and make sense of data in libraries. Using a range of techniques, tools and methodologies it explains how data can be used to help inform decision making at every leve…