About the Book In the spirit of Paulo Freire, this inspiring book deconstructs many of the 'gods' that define contemporary life, then offers hope through sources of traditional wisdom. It addres…
About the Book Authority and the Teacher seeks to overturn the notion that authority is a restrictive force within education, serving only to stifle creativity and drown out the voice of the stu…
About the Book With the publication of Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Paulo Freire established himself as one of the most important and radical educational thinkers of his time. In Pedagogy of Hope,…
About the Book Ethical English addresses the 'ethos' of English teaching and draws attention to its 'spirit' and fundamental character, identifying the features that English teaching must exhibi…
About the Book Introducing Dialogic Pedagogy presents some of the ideas of Russian philosopher Mikhail Bakhtin concerning dialogism in a way that will engage and inspire those studying early chi…