Research Design and Methods: A Process Approach takes students through the research process, from getting and developing a research idea, to designing and conducting a study, through analyzing and …
Methods in Behavioral Research guides students toward success by helping them study smarter and more efficiently. Supported by SmartBook®, McGraw-Hill Education’s adaptive and personalized readi…
"Visual research methods (VRM) comprise a collection of methods that incorporate visual elements such as maps, drawings, photographs, videos, as well as three-dimensional objects into the research …
Corpus Linguistics for Writing Development provides a practical introduction to using corpora in the study of first and second language learners’ written language over time and across different l…
Longitudinal Studies of Second Language Learning: Quantitative Methods and Outcomes provides a how-to guide to choosing, using, and understanding quantitative longitudinal research and sampling met…
Data Science in the Library: Tools and Strategies for Supporting Data-Driven Research and Instruction brings together an international group of librarians and faculty to consider the opportunities …