Buku ini membahas saluran transmisi sebagai media distribusi sinyal informasi, baik melalui saluran fisik seperti kabel coaxial maupun nonfisik seperti wireless. Dengan fokus pada perkembangan tele…
Buku ini menjelaskan sejarah dan dasar dari transistor, yang ditemukan pada 1947 oleh fisikawan Amerika Serikat Walter Brattain, John Bardeen, dan William Shockley. Penemuan ini mengubah perangkat …
Winner of the AESA 2017 Critics' Choice Book Award Mathematics Education offers both undergraduates and starting-graduate students in education an introduction to the connections that exist betw…
Designed to focus on central concerns in teaching social studies in a standards-based environment, this brief text enables teachers to successfully implement a social studies curriculum with concep…
Written by internationally renowned author Stella Cottrell, this is an essential resource for students looking to refine their thinking, reading and writing skills. Stella Cottrell’s student-cent…
Designed to assist pre-service and in-service educators to effectively teach social studies while preparing their middle and secondary school students to become reflective, competent, and concerned…
About the Book Science is often a forgotten subject in early elementary grades as various mandates require teachers to focus on teaching young students to achieve specific reading and mathematic…